Friday, 2 November 2007

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Accessing Miss Wagstaff Presents

Quoting Articles from this Site

  • Part of an article may be quoted on others' websites provided that they are used in context as part of a larger article, and that a link to the original is included.
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Basically, any proven errors of fact made will be corrected in the original article, by publishing a correction at the same degree of prominence, or both. As far as practical, others who have quoted the article will be requested to make a note in their article - this would include, for example pinging back with the correction those who had linked to the original piece.

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BBC UK Politics

BBC Welsh Politics


Welsh Political News

UK News from Times Online

Telegraph Politics


Words © The Author [Posted by...] 2007 2008 2009 2010. Comments © their authors.


This is a personal blog - any views expressed are not those of the authors' employer(s), or organisation(s) they are involved with or represent.

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We don't accept any responsibility for the content of any blogs or websites linked from this site. Links exist to provide a wider experience of politics and life on the internet or to reciprocate for links on this blog.

For further information please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

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